1° B Primaria (Inglés)
Miss Nohemí
First Grade
Este blog es sólo un apoyo para que las familias sepan cual es la tarea de su hijo(a), es responsabilidad de los alumnos anotar completa y correctamente las actividades que realizarán en casa.
Thursday March 12th, 2020.
Days of the week.
Days of the week.
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
1. Today is Tuesday, tomorrow is _______________.
2. Yesterday was
3. Today is
Wednesday March 11th, 2020.
Tuesday March 10th, 2020.
Wednesday March 11th, 2020.
Project Plant a Plant
For the "plant a plant" activity, please bring:
· 1 empty clean eggshell (with a small hole in it)
· cotton
· a handful of lentils (un puñito de lentejas).
For Friday March 13th, 2020.
Tuesday March 10th, 2020.
Complete the reading comprehension activity and the vocabulary activity from the copy.
Friday March 6th, 2020.
No homework
Thursday March 5th, 2020.
Read and answer the questions.
A Day in the park.
Jorge is in the park. He is running. It is a beautiful day today. The ducks are swimming in the lake and the dog and the cat are sleeping on the grass.
1. What is Jorge doing?
He is ____________.
2. The _______ are swimming.
Wednesday March 4th, 2020.
Eliseo School
STEAM Fair 2020
You did a great job today and I'm very proud of you.
Complete the activities from the copies.
Tuesday March 3rd, 2020
Torreón, Coah. A 3 de marzo del 2020.
Estimados padres de familia, La presente es un recordatorio para la presentación de los alumnos en la feria STEAM:
Estimados padres de familia, La presente es un recordatorio para la presentación de los alumnos en la feria STEAM:
1. El horario de entrada a clases es horario normal a las 8:00 a.m. La feria comienza a las 8:40 a.m.
2. Los alumnos deben usar el uniforme de gala, si los integrantes del equio acordaron traer bata de laboratorio, todos los integrantes deberán traerla puesta.
3. Debido a la presentación, el descanso de los alumnos se va a retrasar unos minutos,así que es muy importante que asistan a clases bien desayunados.
4. Favor de traer algo para ofrecer a los asistentes a la feria, ya sea paletas, dulces, galletas, etc. Muchas gracias por hacer caso a las recomendaciones.
Miss Nohemí Orta
Maestra titular de Inglés
Monday March 2nd, 2020
Study and memorize the speech for STEAM Fair.
***Nota: De ser posible traer la mesa y el mantel (blanco), etiquetados con nombre del alumno, para mañana 3 de marzo esto con la finalidad de dejar listo y montado el proyecto para el Miércoles. Gracias.
Friday February 28th, 2020.
Study and memorize the speech for STEAM fair.
***Nota: Para la feria Steam, el día 4 de marzo, cada equipo debe de traer una mesa larga y un mantel blanco para presentar su proyecto.
Thursday February 27th, 2020.
Study and memorize the speech for STEAM fair.
Wednesday February 26th, 2020.
Study and memorize the speech for STEAM fair.
Tuesday February 25th, 2020.
Study and memorize the speech for STEAM fair.
Monday February 24th, 2020.
Study and memorize the speech for STEAM fair.
Evaluation will begin tomorrow.
"Mexican Flag day"
Color the drawing
Friday February 21st, 2020.
*Study the guide for Monday's exam.
*Bring the copy signed by your parents.
*Study and memorize the speech for STEAM fair. Evaluation will begin on Tuesday February 25th, 2020.
Choose the correct word from the box and write.
1. Where is Andrea?
________ in the dining room.
2. Where are you?
________ in the kitchen.
3. Where are the teachers?
________ in the school.
4. Where is my father?
________ in the bedroom.
Thursday February 20th, 2020.
Study and memorize your speech for STEAM fair.
Muy importante: Mañana junta informativa 2:20pm en el salón Audiovisual.
Wednesday February 19th, 2020.
Estimado padre de familia, por medio de la presente, solicitamos su presencia el día Viernes 21 de Febrero en la junta informativa para la Steam Fair, a cargo de Miss Nohemí Orta. Esta reunión tendrá una duración de 20 minutos con el fin de organizar la exposición de proyectos de los equipos, pedimos sean puntuales ya que será una junta muy breve pero importante.
Alumno:_________________________________________ en punto de las 2:20 p.m.
Firma de enterado: _____________________________________
Tuesday February 18th, 2020.
Study for the exam.
Monday February 17th, 2020.
Study and memorize the speech for STEAM fair.
Monday February 24th, 2020.
Study and memorize the speech for STEAM fair.
Evaluation will begin tomorrow.
"Mexican Flag day"
Color the drawing
Friday February 21st, 2020.
*Study the guide for Monday's exam.
*Bring the copy signed by your parents.
*Study and memorize the speech for STEAM fair. Evaluation will begin on Tuesday February 25th, 2020.
Choose the correct word from the box and write.
They're - She's - I'm - He's
1. Where is Andrea?
________ in the dining room.
2. Where are you?
________ in the kitchen.
3. Where are the teachers?
________ in the school.
4. Where is my father?
________ in the bedroom.
Thursday February 20th, 2020.
Study and memorize your speech for STEAM fair.
Muy importante: Mañana junta informativa 2:20pm en el salón Audiovisual.
Wednesday February 19th, 2020.
Estimado padre de familia, por medio de la presente, solicitamos su presencia el día Viernes 21 de Febrero en la junta informativa para la Steam Fair, a cargo de Miss Nohemí Orta. Esta reunión tendrá una duración de 20 minutos con el fin de organizar la exposición de proyectos de los equipos, pedimos sean puntuales ya que será una junta muy breve pero importante.
Alumno:_________________________________________ en punto de las 2:20 p.m.
Firma de enterado: _____________________________________
STEAM Fair Projects
"The Human Body"
Dental Hygiene
Mateo Benjamin
Romina Barrios
Gael Armando
Ana Regina
Lucía Vélez
Angel Caleb
Jimena Calvillo
Carlos Adriel
Arely Jazmin
Tadeo Ernesto
Angel Tadeo
Ana Fernanda Medina
Estefanía Valenzuela
Santiago Olague
José Alejandro Juárez
Tuesday February 18th, 2020.
Study for the exam.
Monday February 17th, 2020.
Guide for the exam
Exam's date: Monday February 24th.
(1) Spelling.
Write the missing vowels (a,e,i,o,u) to spell the word correctly.
Exam's date: Monday February 24th.
(1) Spelling.
Write the missing vowels (a,e,i,o,u) to spell the word correctly.
- ch _ ps
- c _ ndy
- J _ p_ n
- sh _ _ p
- h _ rs _
- g _ m _
- sw _ _ t
- t _ d _ y
- brushing my teeth
- combing my hair
- reading
- washing
- taking a bath
- playing
- making lunch
- eating
- talking on the phone
- drawing
- drinking
(3) Grammar.
Choose the correct word from the box and write.
He's - I'm - She's - They're
1. Where is your mother?
_______ in the bedroom.
2. Where is Tom?
_______ in the kitchen.
3. Where are the boys?
_______ in the living room.
4. Where are you?
_______ in the bathroom.
Friday February 14th, 2020.
Vocabulary from unit 6. "On the farm"
Write 5 times each word and cut and paste a picture.
Thursday February 13th, 2020.
No homework
***Recordar traer su aportación para el convivio. Gracias.
Wednesday February 12th, 2020
Vocabulary from unit 6. "On the farm"
Write 5 times each word and cut and paste a picture.
- turtle
- hen
- cow
- sheep
- cat
Thursday February 13th, 2020.
No homework
***Recordar traer su aportación para el convivio. Gracias.
Wednesday February 12th, 2020
- Math
- Solve the addition and subtraction problems. Write the answer with number.
- Complete the activities from the copies. Count the shapes and write.
Tuesday February 11th, 2020.
Complete the activity from the copy
Complete the activity from the copy
*NOTA: Traer 2 revistas de decoración de interiores. Por ejemplo:
***Los alumnos las van a recortar.
Study the next words. Practice spelling each one of them:
- chips
- candy
- Japan
- sheep
- horse
Monday February 10th, 2020.
No homework
Friday February 7th, 2020.
- Complete the activities from the copy.
- Keep practising the spelling of the words:
- paper
- chair
- desk
- family
- train
- game
- sweet
- today
- happy
- sugar
Thursday February 6th, 2020.
Answer the subtraction problems, write the answer using numbers.
Wednesday February 5th, 2020.
Complete the activities from the copy.
Study the next words, practice spelling each word.
- game
- sweet
- today
- happy
- sugar
Tuesday February 4th, 2020.
No homework
Friday January 31st, 2020.
No homework
Semifinalists for Spelling bee
- Angel Caleb
- Gael Armando
- Mateo Benjamin
Study the first 5 words from the list and practice the spelling. Spelling test on Tuesday February 4th.
Solve the additions. Write the answer with number.
Wednesday January 29th, 2020.
Complete the activities from the copy.
Vocabulary from unit 5.
Write 3 times each word in English and one time the translation to Spanish.
- breakfast
- lunch
- face
- phone
- teeth
- room
- bath
- home
Monday January 27th, 2020.
Traer, para el Miércoles, un folder tamaño carta forrado con plástico o papel contact. Poner la palabra "Valores" en la portada. Será para guardar las evidencias de la clase de Motivacional.
Friday January 24th, 2020.
1. Complete the activity from the copy.
Circle all the vowels inside bubba's mouth. Write the different vowels below.
2. Color the drawings and practice spelling each word.
3. Vocabulary from unit 5. "Busy at Home".
Write the next words 5 times and then cut and paste a picture related to the action.
- brushing my teeth
- combing my hair
- reading
Torreón, Coah. A 23 de enero del 2020.
Primeramente, saludarle y esperando que usted y su familia se
encuentren con bien, la presente es para recordarle que mañana es la actividad
de Pijamas Day y tendremos en el salón un pequeño convivio; por tal motivo les
pedimos mandar aparte del lonche algún snack para compartir, ya sea fruta o
verdura picada, palomitas, cupcakes, juguitos, etc. También pueden traer un
juego de mesa (que no tenga que ver con monstruos y no violentos).
De antemano
gracias por su apoyo y que tenga bonito día.
Wednesday January 22nd, 2020No homework
Homework from Thursday January 16th to Tuesday January 21st, 2020
Study for the exam. (See guide below.)
Wednesday January 15th, 2020
Guide for the exam.
Exam's date: Wednesday January 22nd, 2020.
Vocabulary from unit 4. "My favorite clothes."
Tuesday January 14th, 2020
Read and match the word with the correct picture, then color.
Monday January 13th, 2020
Answer the questions
1. What are you wearing?
2. What is your mom wearing?
3. What is your teacher wearing?
Complete the reading comprehesion activity from the copy.
Friday January 10th, 2020
Complete the activities from the copies.
Thursday January 9th, 2020
No Homework
Wednesday January 8th, 2020
No Homework
Wednesday December 18th, 2019
Come tomorrow wearing your best Christmas themed sweater!!!
Join our winter fashion show and win a prize!
Complete the activities from the copy.
Monday December 16th, 2019
*Nota: Favor de mandar las calificaciones firmadas para mañana, sin falta y un cuaderno forma italiana, forrado color verde y etiquetado con el nombre del alumno, para la clase de Motivacional. Gracias.
Friday December 13th, 2019
Vocabulary from Unit 4. "My favorite Clothes!"
Write each word 5 times and make a drawing.
Thursday December 12th, 2019
Study and learn the songs for the Christmas festival.
Wednesday December 11th, 2019
Date for the exam: Thursday December 12th, 2019.
Please study for the exam.
Review and practice the activities from the copy, bring the copy signed by your parents.
Tuesday December 10th, 2019
1. Study for the exam.
2. Complete the subtraction activity from the copy. Write the answer using words. Example: 4 - 2 = two.
*Nota: Favor de mandar un cuaderno forma italiana, forrado color verde y etiquetado con el nombre del alumno, para la clase de Motivacional. Gracias.
Monday December 9th, 2019
Study for the exam
Friday December 6th, 2019
1. Study for the exam
2. Draw and color the 6 heroes from the movie we watched today.
3. Write their names.
Guide for the exam
Vocabulary from Unit 3. "My Body"
Thursday December 5th, 2019
1. Study for the exam.
2. Read and match.
I smell with my mouth
I hear with my eyes
I taste with my nose
I see with my hands
I touch with my ears
Wednesday December 4th, 2019
Study the vocabulary from the guide for the exam
Vocabulary from Unit 3. "My Body"
Tuesday December 3rd, 2019
Vocabulary from Unit 3. "The five senses".
Monday December 2nd, 2019
Complete the grammar activities from the copy.
Friday November 29th, 2019
Complete the grammar activities from the copies.
Thursday November 28th, 2019
Solve the word search activity from the copy.
Thursday November 14th, 2019
Vocabulary from Unit 3. "My Body"
Write 3 times each word in English and one time the translation to Spanish.
Wednesday November 13th, 2019
No homework
Tuesday November 12th, 2019
Please study for tomorrow's exam.
Complete the activities from the copies and bring them signed by your parents.
Monday November 11th, 2019
Date of the exam:
Wednesday November 13th, 2019
Please study for the exam.
Nota: Por favor traer 2 pares de ojitos móviles, para el día jueves 14 Noviembre, no olvidar el regalo para la tómbola.
Friday November 8th, 2019
Please study for the exam.
Estudiar y aprender la canción: "Grandes cosas se harán en México"
*Nota: No olvidar regalos para la tómbola.
Thursday November 7th, 2019
Homework: Study for the exam.
Wednesday October 16th, 2019Homework from Thursday January 16th to Tuesday January 21st, 2020
Study for the exam. (See guide below.)
Wednesday January 15th, 2020
Guide for the exam.
Exam's date: Wednesday January 22nd, 2020.
Vocabulary from unit 4. "My favorite clothes."
- boots
- dress
- gloves
- hat
- jacket
- pants
- blouse
- shoes
- skirt
- shirt
- t-shirt
- shorts
Questions and answers using the verb: wearing.
What is he/she wearing?
What are you wearing?
He/She is wearing....
I am wearing....
Opposite adjectives: hot - cold, wet - dry.
Study the writing of the numbers from 1 to 30.
There will be a dictation of the numbers.
Tuesday January 14th, 2020
Read and match the word with the correct picture, then color.
Monday January 13th, 2020
Answer the questions
1. What are you wearing?
2. What is your mom wearing?
3. What is your teacher wearing?
Complete the reading comprehesion activity from the copy.
Friday January 10th, 2020
Complete the activities from the copies.
Thursday January 9th, 2020
No Homework
Wednesday January 8th, 2020
No Homework
Wednesday December 18th, 2019
Come tomorrow wearing your best Christmas themed sweater!!!
Join our winter fashion show and win a prize!
Study and learn the songs for the Christmas festival.
¿Qué Niño es éste?: https://youtu.be/TD8Ry0cJmhw
Hosanna, Nació el Salvador: https://youtu.be/GtS4f6n5nsw
Tuesday December 17th, 2019Hosanna, Nació el Salvador: https://youtu.be/GtS4f6n5nsw
Complete the activities from the copy.
Study and learn the songs for the Christmas festival.
Hosanna, Nació el Salvador: https://youtu.be/GtS4f6n5nsw
Es Navidad: https://youtu.be/EFh8kml_0yc
¿Qué Niño es éste?: https://youtu.be/TD8Ry0cJmhw
Monday December 16th, 2019
Study and learn the songs for the Christmas festival.
Hosanna, Nació el Salvador: https://youtu.be/GtS4f6n5nsw
Es Navidad: https://youtu.be/EFh8kml_0yc
¿Qué Niño es éste?: https://youtu.be/TD8Ry0cJmhw
*Nota: Favor de mandar las calificaciones firmadas para mañana, sin falta y un cuaderno forma italiana, forrado color verde y etiquetado con el nombre del alumno, para la clase de Motivacional. Gracias.
Friday December 13th, 2019
Vocabulary from Unit 4. "My favorite Clothes!"
Write each word 5 times and make a drawing.
- boots
- dress
- gloves
- hat
- jacket
- pants
Study and learn the songs for the Christmas festival.
Hosanna, Nació el Salvador: https://youtu.be/GtS4f6n5nsw
Es Navidad: https://youtu.be/EFh8kml_0yc
¿Qué Niño es éste?: https://youtu.be/TD8Ry0cJmhw
Thursday December 12th, 2019
Study and learn the songs for the Christmas festival.
Wednesday December 11th, 2019
Date for the exam: Thursday December 12th, 2019.
Please study for the exam.
Review and practice the activities from the copy, bring the copy signed by your parents.
Date for the exam: Thursday December 12th, 2019.
2. Complete the subtraction activity from the copy. Write the answer using words. Example: 4 - 2 = two.
*Nota: Favor de mandar un cuaderno forma italiana, forrado color verde y etiquetado con el nombre del alumno, para la clase de Motivacional. Gracias.
Monday December 9th, 2019
Study for the exam
Friday December 6th, 2019
1. Study for the exam
2. Draw and color the 6 heroes from the movie we watched today.
3. Write their names.
Guide for the exam
Vocabulary from Unit 3. "My Body"
- head
- hair
- eye
- ear
- nose
- mouth
- arm
- hand
- fingers
- legs
- foot
- toes
"The five senses"
- smell
- hear
- touch
- see
- taste
Questions and answers using the verb do.
1.- Does she have long hair?
Yes, she does.
2.- Does it have a small head?
No, it doesn't.
Adjectives: long, short, big and small.
Addition. Write the answer using number.
1.- seven 2.- eleven 3.- fifteen
+ three + five + two
------------ ------------ ------------
Subtraction. Write the answer using words.
1.- 10 2.- 4 3.- 9
- 8 - 2 - 5
-------- ---------- ---------
1. Study for the exam.
2. Read and match.
I smell with my mouth
I hear with my eyes
I taste with my nose
I see with my hands
I touch with my ears
Wednesday December 4th, 2019
Study the vocabulary from the guide for the exam
Vocabulary from Unit 3. "My Body"
- head
- hair
- eye
- ear
- nose
- mouth
- arm
- hand
- fingers
- legs
- foot
- toes
"The five senses"
- smell
- hear
- touch
- see
- taste
Vocabulary from Unit 3. "The five senses".
- Draw 3 things that you can smell.
- Draw 3 things that you can hear.
- Draw 3 things that you can touch.
- Draw 3 things that you can see.
- Draw 3 things that you can taste.
Monday December 2nd, 2019
Complete the grammar activities from the copy.
Friday November 29th, 2019
Complete the grammar activities from the copies.
Thursday November 28th, 2019
Wednesday November 27th, 2019
No homework
Tuesday November 26th, 2016
Nota: El día de mañana es el evento de Thanksgiving, recordar que los alumnos deberán de venir vestidos con ropa y zapatos de color negro.
Por favor asegurarse que los alumnos desayunen en casa y aparte de su refrigerio para la hora de receso, deberán traer alimentos para compartir (no refrescos, no papitas o frituras). Gracias.
Monday November 25th, 2019
Complete the activity from the copy. Use the labels to name the parts of the body parts.
Friday November 22nd, 2019
Grammar. Adjectives: long, short, big and small.
No homework
Tuesday November 26th, 2016
Nota: El día de mañana es el evento de Thanksgiving, recordar que los alumnos deberán de venir vestidos con ropa y zapatos de color negro.
Por favor asegurarse que los alumnos desayunen en casa y aparte de su refrigerio para la hora de receso, deberán traer alimentos para compartir (no refrescos, no papitas o frituras). Gracias.
Monday November 25th, 2019
Complete the activity from the copy. Use the labels to name the parts of the body parts.
Friday November 22nd, 2019
Grammar. Adjectives: long, short, big and small.
- Cut and paste 3 long objects.
- Cut and paste 3 short objects.
- Cut and paste 3 big objects.
- Cut and paste 3 small objects.
Study and learn the song for the Thanksgiving assemble.
Thursday November 21st, 2019
Study and learn the song for the Thanksgiving assemble.
Study and learn the song for the Thanksgiving assemble.
Wednesday November 20th, 2019
Study and learn the song for the Thanksgiving assemble.
Study and learn the song for the Thanksgiving assemble.
Tuesday November 19th, 2019
Study and learn the song for the Thanksgiving assemble.
Friday November 15th, 2019
Study and learn the song for the Thanksgiving assemble.
Study and learn the song for the Thanksgiving assemble.
Complete the activities from the copies.
1. Look and match.
2. Draw your friend and label the body parts.
Friday November 15th, 2019
Study and learn the song for the Thanksgiving assemble.
Thursday November 14th, 2019
Vocabulary from Unit 3. "My Body"
Write 3 times each word in English and one time the translation to Spanish.
- head
- hair
- eye
- ear
- nose
- mouth
- hand
- arm
- fingers
- leg
Wednesday November 13th, 2019
No homework
Tuesday November 12th, 2019
Please study for tomorrow's exam.
Complete the activities from the copies and bring them signed by your parents.
Monday November 11th, 2019
Date of the exam:
Wednesday November 13th, 2019
Please study for the exam.
Nota: Por favor traer 2 pares de ojitos móviles, para el día jueves 14 Noviembre, no olvidar el regalo para la tómbola.
Friday November 8th, 2019
Please study for the exam.
Estudiar y aprender la canción: "Grandes cosas se harán en México"
*Nota: No olvidar regalos para la tómbola.
Thursday November 7th, 2019
Homework: Study for the exam.
Wednesday November 6th, 2019
Homework: Study for the exam.
Guide for the exam from the first trimester.
Exam's date: Wednesday November 13th, 2019
1. Vocabulary from Unit 2. "My Family"
Complete the worksheet: Color by Addition.
Estudiar y aprender la canción.
Tuesday November 5th, 2019
Vocabulary: Days of the week.
Unscramble the words.
1. irFyda = _____________
2. onMady = _____________
3. turSayda = _____________
4. Weddaynes = ____________
5. undayS = ____________
6. dayTues = ___________
7. Tdayhurs = ____________
Subtraction: Write the answer with number
Monday November 4th, 2019
Complete the activities from the copies.
Copy 1: Color by number
Copy 2: Count and answer How many leaves?
Friday November 1st, 2019
1. Draw your mother and answer.
She is my ________ . She is a girl/woman.
2. Draw your grandfather and answer.
He is my ________ . He is a man/boy.
3. Draw your father and answer.
He is my ________ . He is a girl/man.
Thursday October 31sr, 2019
Vocabulary Unit 2
Write 5 times each word in english and the translation to spanish.
1. man =hombre
2. woman=mujer
3. boy =niño
4. girl =niña
Circle the correct answer and write.
I am a boy/girl.
My name is __________________.
Wednesday October 30th, 2019
Complete the activities from the copies.
Count and write.
Tuesday October 29th, 2019
No homework
Monday October 28th, 2019
Inglés: Complete the activity from the copy. ¨My Family Tree¨
Draw and color the members of your family.
Friday October 25th, 2019
Complete the activity from the copy.
Trace and match.
Then color.
Thursday October 24st, 2019
No Homework
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019
Please keep studying your speech for the cultural fair.
***Recordar que la presentación del diálogo en la Feria de las Culturas es parte de la calificación del mes de Noviembre.
Monday October 21st, 2019
Please keep studying your speech for the cultural fair.
Don't forget to send the $10, thank you.
Friday October 18th, 2019
Please memorise your speech for the Cultural Fair.
Thanks! Happy weekend!
Thursday October 17th, 2019
Study and memorise your speech for the Cultural Fair.
Please study and memorise your speech for the Cultural Fair, it's very important. Thanks.
Homework: Study for the exam.
Guide for the exam from the first trimester.
Exam's date: Wednesday November 13th, 2019
1. Vocabulary from Unit 2. "My Family"
- grandfather
- grandmother
- mother
- father
- brother
- sister
- me
- woman
- man
- girl
- boy
2. Grammar. How many?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
I have one brother.
I have two sisters.
3. Math.
Numbers from 1 to 20
- one
- two
- three
- four
- five
- six
- seven
- eight
- nine
- ten
- eleven
- twelve
- thirteen
- fourteen
- fifteen
- sixteen
- seventeen
- eighteen
- nineteen
- twenty
Addition. Write the answers in words.
Subtraction. Write the answer with number.
Complete the worksheet: Color by Addition.
Estudiar y aprender la canción.
Tuesday November 5th, 2019
Vocabulary: Days of the week.
Unscramble the words.
1. irFyda = _____________
2. onMady = _____________
3. turSayda = _____________
4. Weddaynes = ____________
5. undayS = ____________
6. dayTues = ___________
7. Tdayhurs = ____________
Subtraction: Write the answer with number
Monday November 4th, 2019
Complete the activities from the copies.
Copy 1: Color by number
Copy 2: Count and answer How many leaves?
Friday November 1st, 2019
1. Draw your mother and answer.
She is my ________ . She is a girl/woman.
2. Draw your grandfather and answer.
He is my ________ . He is a man/boy.
3. Draw your father and answer.
He is my ________ . He is a girl/man.
Thursday October 31sr, 2019
Vocabulary Unit 2
Write 5 times each word in english and the translation to spanish.
1. man =hombre
2. woman=mujer
3. boy =niño
4. girl =niña
Circle the correct answer and write.
I am a boy/girl.
My name is __________________.
Wednesday October 30th, 2019
Complete the activities from the copies.
Count and write.
Tuesday October 29th, 2019
No homework
Monday October 28th, 2019
Inglés: Complete the activity from the copy. ¨My Family Tree¨
Draw and color the members of your family.
Friday October 25th, 2019
Complete the activity from the copy.
Trace and match.
Then color.
Thursday October 24st, 2019
No Homework
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019
Please keep studying your speech for the cultural fair.
***Recordar que la presentación del diálogo en la Feria de las Culturas es parte de la calificación del mes de Noviembre.
Monday October 21st, 2019
Please keep studying your speech for the cultural fair.
Don't forget to send the $10, thank you.
Platillos para la muestra Gastronómica del Festival de las Culturas
Jueves 24 de Octubre, 2019
Nombre del Alumno
para muestra gastronómica:
Barrios Sifuentes Romina Guadalupe
Calvillo Martínez Jimena
Pan de Elote
Chavez Gallegos Angel Caleb
Fuentes Prado Mateo Benjamín
González Rodríguez Tadeo Ernesto
Hernández Estrada Angel Tadeo
Juarez Acosta José Alejandro
Medina Holguín Ana Fernanda
Plato de Dulces Tradicionales
Mendoza Quezada Gael Armando
Olague Aboytes Santiago
Perez Vázquez Melanie Guadalupe
Guacamole con totopos
Rentería Alvarez Carlos Adriel
Jarro con chocolate Abuelita
Salazar Ríos Arely Jazmín
Valenzuela Aguilera Estefanía
Velez Rodríguez Lucía Alejandra
***La información de la presentación de los platillos se encuentra en el cuaderno de tareas de Inglés, en un recadito que se mandó el Viernes 18 de Octubre, la entrega de los platillos es el día del evento (Jueves 24 de Octubre) a las 7:30a.m. a más tardar. Muchas gracias.
Friday October 18th, 2019
Please memorise your speech for the Cultural Fair.
Thanks! Happy weekend!
Thursday October 17th, 2019
Study and memorise your speech for the Cultural Fair.
Please study and memorise your speech for the Cultural Fair, it's very important. Thanks.
No homework
Tuesday October 15th, 2019
English exam is tomorrow Wednesday October 16th, 2019.
Please study for the exam.
Practice the activities in the copies and please bring them signed by your parents.
Monday October 14th, 2019
1. Study for the exam.
2. Read, draw and color.
a. It's a pencil. It's color green. _____________
b. They're three books. They're color blue. _______________
c. They're two crayons. They're color yellow. _______________
d. It's a backpack. It's color purple. _________________
Friday October 11th, 2019
Study for the exam.
Thursday October 10th 2019
1. *For tomorrow:* Bring a folder for the Columbus Day craft.
2. Keep studying for the exam.
*(Para mañana traer una carpeta tamaño carta para la actividad del Día del Descubrimiento de América)
Wednesday October 09th 2019
Study for the exam.
Exam's date: Wednesday October 16th, 2019.
1 Grammar
Personal pronouns
I - you - he - she - it - we - you - they
2 Math
Numbers from 1 to 10
1 one - 2 two - 3 three - 4 four - 5 five - 6 six - 7 seven - 8 eight
9 nine - 10 ten
3 Vocabulary Unit 1
Greetings, farewells and magic words.
1. Hello, hi
2. good morning
3. good bye
4. thank you
5. you're welcome
6. please
7. How are you?
Vocabulary Unit 1
1. yellow desk 6. eraser
2. green book 7. pen
3. red marker 8. pencil
4. blue chair 9. ruler
5. crayon 10. backpack
Monday October 7th, 2019
Write 3 times each word from the Vocabulary Unit 2, in English and Spanish.
1. parents = padres
2. grandparents = abuelos
3. brother = hermano
4. sister = hermana
5. me = yo
Friday October 4th, 2019
Trace the "to be" verb form in Present Simple that goes with each pronoun.
Trace the capital letters using red color. Use your pencil to trace lower cases.
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb to be. (Present simple)
1. They _______ friends.
2. You _______ a boy.
3. How _______ you?
4. We _______ students.
Thursday October 3rd, 2019
Write 5 times each question word, in English and Spanish.
- Who? = ¿Quién?
- What? = ¿Qué?
- When? = ¿Cuándo?
- Where? = ¿Dónde?
- Why? = ¿Porqué?
- How? = ¿Cuántos? o ¿Cómo?
Wednesday October 2nd, 2019
No homework
*** Los alumnos que faltaron de entregar su cartel del tema Be Polite, favor de traerlo para mañana, sin falta. Gracias.
Tuesday October 1st, 2019
Study the question words:
- Who? = ¿Quién?
- What? = ¿Qué?
- When? = ¿Cuándo?
- Where? = ¿Dónde?
- Why? = ¿Porqué?
- How? = ¿Cuántos? o ¿Cómo?
Present tense verb to be
Trace the capital letters using red color. Use your pencil to trace lower cases.
Friday September 27th, 2019
Project: From Big English book page 13.
On half a cardboard sheet, make a poster. Example:
(En media cartulina del color que usted prefiera, hacer un poster con el referencia al tema: Be Polite, hay ejemplos en la pagina 13 del libro Big English, debe incluir frases cortas que ya vimos en clase como: "Thank you", "You're welcome", "How are you?", "Fine, thank you", etc.)
Thursday September 26th, 2019
Choose the correct pronoun. (⥌)
Then color the drawings.
Wednesday September 25th, 2019
No homework
Tuesday September 24th, 2019
For the personal pronouns copies: It and We
Use color red to trace the capital letters. And use your pencil to trace the lower cases.Then color the drawings.
Monday September 23rd, 2019
Finish the classroom activity:
In the personal pronouns copies I, You, He, She:
Trace capital letters using color red and lower cases using your pencil. Read the sentences and color the drawings.
Friday September 20th, 2019
No homework, enjoy your weekend!
Thursday September 19th, 2019
No homework
Study the grammar:
What is it? = ¿Qué es eso?
It's a = Es una
It's an = Es un
Complete the activity in the worksheet copy:
Trace and Practice questions and answers.
Tuesday September 17th, 2019
Study the personal pronouns
I - Yo
You - Tú
He - El
She - Ella
It - Ese/esa
We - Nosotros
You - Ustedes
They - Ellos
Friday September 13th, 2019
No homework, enjoy your weekend!
Thursday September 12th, 2019
1.- Draw your eraser. Then color and write.
This is my _____________.
It`s color _____________.
2.- Draw your sharpener. Then color and write.
This is my _____________.
It's color _____________.
Wednesday September 11th, 2019
Complete the activities:
1.- Match, color and say.
2.- Look at the picture and circle the correct word.
Tuesday September 10th, 2019
Find the words in the Word Search activity.
Monday September 9th, 2019
Practice asking your parents:
"How are you, mom?" or "How are you, dad?"
Friday September 6th, 2019
(Solo para los alumnos que no cumplieron con la tarea o no terminaron de anotarla en el cuaderno)
Finish yesterday's homework.
Write 3 times each word and draw a picture.
1. eraser
2. pen
3. pencil
4. ruler
5. backpack
6. sharpener
7. notebook
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